Virginia Is For Blunders
Hey all, There’ll be one more post this weekend. Let’s hop to this one. Politics I spent the late evening of my birthday this week parsing the results of Virginia’s governor’s race. And I’ve been thinking a good deal about McAuliffe’s loss since, not

The Woke Equilibrium
Hey all, I thought I’d take a post to share some of the culture writing I’ve liked in recent weeks. These are all pieces about identity politics, a subject that I’ve essentially tired of addressing myself. In most of the pieces I’ve done in this lane,

Mail Time!
Hey all, It was another particularly busy week at the end of a particularly busy month for me, but things are evening out enough now that I can get back to doing these less fitfully. After today’s Mail Time post, expect a couple more make-ups in the next couple

Do We Have To Fight About Music?
Hey all, Sorry about the tardiness here. Most of the past week has been much more hectic — writing and otherwise — than I expected. This will be this week & weekend’s post; I’ll see if I can do an extra make-up post later this month. Also, remember to send

Race To The Top
Hey all. Let's hop to it. Politics I don’t think I’ll have much to say about the negotiations over the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the reconciliation package until that situation’s over and done with. Not to worry, though — our friend Kevin Drum has thoughts [https:

What Is Socialism?
Hey all. An early post as promised. No questions for Mail Time this time around, so it'll be brief. Send some in for next month: Let's hop to it. Recent Work My history [] of bipartisanship for The

We Are The Forty-Something Percent
Hey all. Let’s hop to it. Recent Work I wrote [] about political writing for the Columbia Journalism Review’s Politics issue. I think the piece can partially be read as a review of the five years I’ve

Not Another 9/11 Post
Hey all. Let's hop to it. Politics/Culture What more is there to say about 9/11, really? As far as personal recollections go, I have nothing of interest. My memories are too hazy and too slight; I’d feel worse about this if the consequences of viscerally

The Pictures Got Small
The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976)Hey all. Let's hop to it. Culture About a month ago, New York Magazine’s Vulture ran a defense [] of “speed-watching [https:
Mail Time!
Hey all. Let’s hop to it. Recent Work My review essay [] on early American history, our national identity, and the work of UVA historian Alan Taylor finally ran online for all readers this week, and you should check it out if you haven’